
Still out there on the show circuit, as it is that time of year. I have done Denver and Somerset, and although they have had some typical show moments, they have been overall really nice. For industry folks, shows are always a great opportunity to re-connect with others that you only get to see occasionally. I really enjoy seeing folks from lodges, or other fly shops around the country, and having a chance to compare notes.

The Lynnwood show is one of the smaller venues around the country, and runs just Saturday and Sunday. Again, I am doing CUBA presentations, highlighting both travel for US citizens, and the details of fishing in Cuba. Presentations are both days, at 3pm, in room D. If you are in the greater Puget Sound area, I hope you will attend. If you don't see me in the theater, I will be working at the Outcast boat booth surrounded by the latest and great in inflatable fishing craft!



Jon CovichComment