I am just back from 10 days in Cuba. This year, my youngest son took his Spring Break with me on the island for some Spanish language courses, some adventure travel, and of course for some fishing. More about that later.

From previous posts, it should be obvious that I am a bit of a fanatic for wandering. I love the back streets, I love trying to get where few tourists go, and I am really interested in Cuba and its people. To that end, I am getting better at my Spanish so I can communicate with locals at least in simple terms, and I am always carrying my camera to try and get them on film. Here are a few of the interesting people I found along the way......

Life in Cuba is visible. People have their doors and windows open much of the time (few have A/C) and so you can see a lot of everyday happenings. This beautiful old guy in Havana was doing his best to get a close shave, on the little mirror next to…

Life in Cuba is visible. People have their doors and windows open much of the time (few have A/C) and so you can see a lot of everyday happenings. This beautiful old guy in Havana was doing his best to get a close shave, on the little mirror next to his front door. 

This might be my favorite people shot of the trip. In the small town of Brasil in the rural countryside, life is pretty tough. I was stopped on the street by some guys wanting me to take their photo, and when I was done I saw all these gals watching…

This might be my favorite people shot of the trip. In the small town of Brasil in the rural countryside, life is pretty tough. I was stopped on the street by some guys wanting me to take their photo, and when I was done I saw all these gals watching from the window of their shabby building. Look at their faces! In can see Joy in one, Shyness in the next, Confidence on another, and Uncertainty in the last. 

Again in Havana, and again exploring the back streets, my son and I saw this lady staring at us from her doorway. Even without a big camera and lens, we stick out. People will stare at you. Maybe it is the Nike shoes, or maybe that we just don't loo…

Again in Havana, and again exploring the back streets, my son and I saw this lady staring at us from her doorway. Even without a big camera and lens, we stick out. People will stare at you. Maybe it is the Nike shoes, or maybe that we just don't look like life has aged us so much. Anyway, we said hi, and joked with her, and then got this shot of her great face.

Look at this guy, and you see Cuba. Just off his shift from the sugar cane processing mill, his clothes seem to reflect the colors of the revolution. With the cigar in his hand, and boots that have seen better days, he represents his "Pueblo."&…

Look at this guy, and you see Cuba. Just off his shift from the sugar cane processing mill, his clothes seem to reflect the colors of the revolution. With the cigar in his hand, and boots that have seen better days, he represents his "Pueblo." 

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