The flats around Cayo Largo are unsurpassed in their beauty

The flats around Cayo Largo are unsurpassed in their beauty

Every year for the past 4 years, I have hosted a group of returning clients in the Spring or early Summer to Jardines de la Reina. In that zone, we have concentrated on Tarpon fishing. This past year, guests liked the idea of exploring another fishing area in Cuba. As it turns out, our Cuban outfitter partner is offering a slightly new trip that I just returned from exploring. I have secured a week for this great trip in April of 2020.

In the past, all guests fishing this area had to do so while staying in resorts on the island of Cayo Largo. This worked well, but did limit each days fishing due to long travel times to and from more distant fishing zones. Furthermore, the outfitter had no control over the quality of things like meals and lodgings, as they were having to use resorts co-owned by the Cuban government and foreign corporations. Now, they are offering the use of the yacht Aggressor which alleviates both of those issues.

Our home for the week, the Aggressor yacht

Our home for the week, the Aggressor yacht

We will have six full days of fishing from Aggressor. We will meet the boat on the Bay of Pigs after a three hour drive from Havana, and will make three different moorages during our week. This will allow us to stay in the far Western zones where we will concentrate on Tarpon fishing, then moving to other zones where the habitat is more suited to Permit and Bonefish.

Let me explain the fishing in more detail. This entire archipelago, from the island of Cayo Largo in the east to Island of the Youth in the west, sees an influx of Tarpon in the Spring during their annual migration. When moored in the west, we will concentrate almost uniquely on these fish, pursuing them in channels, interior mangrove-lined lagoons, and along the ocean reef. Generally, these Tarpon will range from 20-70 pounds. That said, there is always the chance for a fish pushing 100 pounds. After our days in the west, the Aggressor will move further east, and we will concentrate mainly on Permit and Bonefish (there are certainly opportunities for some Tarpon here as well), as this habitat is comprised of immense flats bordered by deep water. This is some of the best Permit habitat in the world. Many times, guides are looking for Rays which are often accompanied by Permit. These fish are looking to grab up fleeing prey churned up by the feeding Ray, and they are often very quick to grab the fly. This area also offers spectacular Bonefishing. At times large schools are encountered on the Permit flats. As well, the shorelines can be fished where small groups of Bones can be spotted tailing. On average, these are some of the largest Bonefish found around Cuba, with many fish caught between 5 & 7 pounds.

School of Bonefish on approach

School of Bonefish on approach

After our last day of fishing, we will move near to the harbor on the Bay of Pigs, and then depart for Havana around 10am the next morning. Most guests will plan to spend that night in Havana, while others will opt to depart on an afternoon flight.

I can take 5 guests. I expect some of my regular Cuba clients to quickly join this trip, so I doubt I will have many spots available once a few weeks have passed. We will be sharing the boat with a group from a great fly shop in Central Oregon, and we should have a fantastic time with that group. The Aggressor has 10 cabins, so most guests will have private rooms. All rooms have a/c, and a private shower and bathroom.

Trip Details:

Dates: April 18-25, 2020

Rate: $6900 per person

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