
Just back from my second adventure in the Colombian jungle, with our outfitter and friends at Colombia Afloat. I love this trip! So much so that I already have two weeks planned for 2022.

All trips with Afloat originate in the very cool city of Medellin. Yes, famous for Pablo and the days of Narcos, Medellin is now hip and interesting, with a diversity of barrios, great food, and fascinating night life. We then fly on a private charter about 90 minutes to the east, landing in the small agricultural town of Primavera, in the Vichada province of Colombia. Known for its Janeiro culture, this is the land of Colombia’s cowboys, unique with their own music and dance. With four wheel drive rigs, we then travel across the expanse of grasslands until reaching the thin slice of jungle bordering the Tomo and Gavilan rivers.


Afloat is aptly named, having designed and built floating cabins used for all guests. These are spartan, but comfortable and completely utilitarian, with a flush toilet and river water shower. A short walk down the ramp to the beach and we would encounter the kitchen staff and camp helpers, always ready to help, serve cold drinks or appetizers, and busy preparing very good meals. Nothing is fancy about this trip, including the food. But it is delicious and hearty, and perfect after a long day on the water.

Our fishing this year was harder than last. The best guess from our outfitter and others in this remote part of Colombia was that the rainy season lasted longer than usual, and that the water was cooler and higher than normal. We worked for our fish, but we did indeed catch them! A good number of fish over fifteen pounds were weighed, as well as one fish landed the first morning that pushed the Boca grip to just over twenty, a monster Peacock to be sure. Guests fished lines from floating to intermediate, to heavy sinking. Sinking tips did seem to be the most effective.

Guests who love to discover nature while fishing will also love this trip. The jungle here, as mentioned, is not deep but simply lines the river. However, that thin ribbon of habitat is full of life, including two species of monkeys, tapirs, capybara, caimans, iguanas, and birds of all sizes and colors. My friend Chris Daughters of the Caddis Fly in Eugene brought along his teenage son Cash, an enthusiastic and knowledgeable naturalist in his own right. We learned a lot from this young guy, including all the species of small catfish inhabiting the sticks and logs on the river bottom.

This is not a trip for everyone. There are bugs during the day, and the wine is either red or white. But it does have a bit of everything, including a feel of adventure. Chris said it best when he said one night, while sitting around a bonfire under the stars, that he “loved the camping aspect of the trip.” I knew immediately what he meant, that although you had people working hard to serve and keep you comfortable, most evenings found us all barefoot drinking local beer while looking at the night sky.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I have two weeks already reserved for 2022. They are beginning to fill up. I would love to have you along, if this sounds like the kind of trip for you. Please reach out via e-mail, or by calling me directly at 206.579.9342.

Price: $4595 pp based on double occupancy and fishing skiff

Dates: February 19-26, 2022 & March 5-12, 2022

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