For three years the good folks at The Fly Fishers Place in Sisters, Oregon have been working with me on an amazing trip to Cuba. Due to Covid, it was canceled and rolled-over several times. Now that we are only 5 weeks away from arriving in Havana, several members of the group have medical issues that may prevent them from going. There may be 2-3 open spots.

This trip is more than just a fishing trip. We combined a great week aboard the Avalon 4 mothership in Gardens of the Queen, to be followed by 2 days in Playa Larga on the Bay of Pigs. There, the group will fish for Tarpon in the Rio Hatiguancio one day, and tour the amazing Zapata swamp the other. Afterwards, we will move to Havana for 2 very full days, seeing the sites, touring the old city and districts of Havana, going to an elementary school, and having private music and dance performances for the group. Finally, we will visit the amazing Vinales Valley where the best of Cuba’s tobacco is grown. This will give the group a great glimpse of rural life in Cuba.

Dates are November 4th-18th. The retail price of this trip is $7200. It is up to the guests having to cancel at what price they are willing to sell their spots, but they will be significantly discounted. Please contact me to discuss details.

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