It seems like many people are running into medical issues right now! I have a trip starting October 28th that I will be hosting with 8 other people. This is my favorite Cuba trip - It combines great days seeing the culture of Cuba, with 4 days of fishing. It is fantastic!

The couple having to cancel involves an angler and a non angler. If people were to replace them, they could do the same or could both fish all 4 days. The price would be slightly different, but not by great amounts. I am sure that the clients would sell their spots at 50% of what they paid. Here is an approximation of pricing:

  • One Guest Fishing and the other not: $4495 (total for 2)

  • Both Guests Fishing all 4 days: $4995 (total for 2)

  • Dates: Arrive Havana the morning of October 28th. Depart November 5

Please reach out to me quickly if you have any questions or would like to join. I will guide you through the process quickly so that you can book flights, etc. I would love to have you along!

Jon CovichComment